ODMafia Shotz: Patio’s, Duck’s Beach Club, Ocean Isle

ODMafia Photographer Tim Smith

Jim Quick & Coastline, Spare Change, Charlene’s Birthday Bash

ODMafia Photographer

Tim Smith started his journey at Patio’s where he took part in the celebration of Charlene Sellers Ward’s 29th Birthday.  It looks like everyone had a great time.  Happy Birthday Charlene, you’re our ODMafia sis!  Check out the photos.

Spare Change has become a regular at Duck’s Beach Club and the locals crowd is grateful.  This is one of the most versatile bands around playing beach, rock, country, R&B and pop.  Amazingly, this band plays them all well.  Pics are up.

IMG_1094Ocean Isle has done a great job in bringing in the best talent for their concert series and they didn’t disappoint today.  This time it’s the one and only king of the beach, Jim Quick & Coastline.  Their show is always a Quick-fix of high energy entertainment infused with 100 proof Santee Swamp water.  Today was no different.  What a show!  Tim Smith was there to capture the magic that is Coastline.

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