The Last Photo taken by ODMafia Photographer Michael Jumper.
Michael visited Duck’s Night Life as he had done hundreds of times before. It was a great night and Michael really loved ODMafia and strived to make it the best it could be. Michael enjoyed working the Camp Kemo events and fund raisers we worked to support. And he really like taking photos of the bands and the party people that come out. The Tim Clark Band was the entertainment and Tim always lit up the stage with his talent and personality. Tim has always been an O.D. Mafia favorite. He always let the fans know that “ODMafia is in the house”. He often brought called us to the stage. Michael always appreciated it, it made our job of taking pics so much easier. You can tell by the pics that Michael had a good night. No one would have guessed it would have been his last. Michael, I miss you buddy. OD Mafia is not the same without you. The last memories Michael captured can be found below.