Dan Summitt – Founder/President of OD Mafia
Picture Taker / OD Mafia DJ / 2014 CBMA Nominee for the Michael Branch Award and Club & Mobile DJ of the Year Award / 2015 Nominated for and presented the Carolina Beach Music Michael Branch Award for dedication and promotion of Beach Music. 2017-2018 CBMA Shag Ambassador
Michael Jumper – Freelance Photographer
Columbia, SC
Michael is the most active of all our photographers. His contribution to ODMafia.com has been and is invaluable. October 18, 1955 – September 25, 2021

Capturing memories at Duck’s, Deckerz, Whiskey Beach, Archies, Local on the Water and where ever she may find a smile. Pam is loved by all and quite an asset to OD Mafia
Robin Cloud, originally born in Texas, attended High School in Hawaii, back to Texas A&M University, retired from the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and now a resident of North Myrtle Beach. Best yet she has brought her creative photo skills to ODMafia

Patsy is an East Carolina Grad currently residing in New Bern, NC. Patsy has an extensive background in photography and very adapt with editing software. Those skills along with a keen eye for detail shows in her photography. O.D. Mafia is fortunate to add her to our staff of expert photographers.
Past Photographers that have dedicated their time and energy to make ODMafia great.
Alan Lusk
Boom Boom Quick
Heath Brown
Josh Brown
Pam Stamford
Dale King
Lory Rice
Greg Martin
Tim Smith
Donna Mills
Cheryl Hamrick
Harold Small