2021-11-11 Veterans Day Celebration ft. DJ Dan Summitt and Root 65 @ Murphys On The Beach

Murphys on the ocean at Cherry Grove pulled all the stops for their Veterans Day Celebration. The revelry started at noon with ODMafia DJ Dan Summitt cranking out the tunes to our locals, visitors, and staff of the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center. The crowd grew through-out the day in anticipation of the turbo-charged, extraordinary band ROOT 65 and Squirrels world-renown barbecue. Dan finished his day by playing “God Bless the USA” to the flag waving crowd and ROOT 65 immediately kicked off their super show by singing the “Star Spangled Banner”. It gave me chills. The staff of Murphys took care of all of us with their exceptional service to which we all have become accustomed. The manager of Murphys, Deborah Mason arranged a great day for all of us. Thanks Deborah for your time and effort invested not only in this day but each and every day at Murphys that has made it one of the premiere clubs of North Myrtle Beach!!!