Although if resembled Caesar’s Palace, it was the Spanish Galleon in all its Las Vegas splendor as the Hall of Fame Foundation hosted Vegas Night to benefit Hurricane Helena victims. This was truly a successful fundraiser with all the excitement and fun of a Las Vegas Casino. Thanks to all the sponsors and “gamblers” and “high-rollers” that came out to support this worthwhile event.
Author Archives: ODMafia
2014-11-15 Jim Quick & Coastline @ Hall of Fame Foundation Fundraiser for Western North Carolina
It was another great night at the Spanish Galleon located at the gem of North Myrtle Beach, the Ocean Drive Beach and Golf Resort. The Hall of Fame Foundation presented a Fundraiser to benefit Western North Carolina victims of Hurricane Helene. Jim Quick and Coastline were asked to do what they do best, entertain; and that they did. They performed their old classics and their new, soon to be classics for the fun loving and appreciative crowd. Photos taken by OD Mafia’s sweet and sassy Melissa Hinson and gray and grumpy Dan Summitt are posted.
2024-11-13 Deb Browning Christmas In The South Release
Photos of Diamond Bright and Christmas Dashing Deb Brownig preparing for her Christmas in the South song and video. The video will be released at Captain Archie’s November 26th. The song was produced by Tim Sidden and the cover art was done by Melissa Hinson and Debby Summitt. Enjoy
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards 2nd Album @ Alabama Theater – Pics by Dan Summitt
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards @ Alabama Theater – Dan Summitt
Photos taken by O.D. Mafia Picture Taker Dan Summitt of the fun, antics, and beaucoup talent that is the Carolina Beach Music Awards are posted. Check them out. And as a matter of info, tickets for next year are on sale now.
2024-11-09 Industry Awards @ the Spanish Galleon – Photos by Dan
A few photos from Friday and a few more from the Industry Awards. The Industry Awards always has a surprise or two. This year it was Jim Quick accepting in his underwear. And no, I don’t have a picture. I tried but it broke my camera. We love ya Jim.
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards @ Alabama Theater – Photos by Dennis
My friend and partner in crime, fun and member of the happy goodtime gang, Dennis Woodard was out and about, both inside and outside of Alabama Theater. Check out the pics.
2024-11-06 Fun @ Southern Threads – Photos by Pam
Hey, when Robin hosts a party, you can expect a boat load of fun and excitement and that is exactly what exciting Pam Gilbert, O.D. Mafia’s very own Photo princess, captured to film.
2024-11-07 Deb & Marlisa @ Deckerz – Photos by Pam
O.D. Mafia’s Photo Princess, Pamela Gilbert took her Canon to Deckerz to shoot photos of the huge crowd that came out to enjoy the delightfully dangerous duo of Deb Browning and Marlisa Kay Small. Thanks Pam, Great Photos.
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards – Album 3 @ Alabama Theater – Photos by Melissa
Photos of the Carolina Beach Music Awards taken by O.D. Mafia’s super photographer Ms. Summer and Sunshine, Lollipops and Smiles, Melissa Hinson. We have 3 albums; we tried to reduce the number of photos but were too good to delete. This is album III (3) (three).
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards – Album 2 @ Alabama Theater – Photos by Melissa
Photos of the Carolina Beach Music Awards taken by O.D. Mafia’s super photographer Ms Summer and Sunshine, Lollipops and Smiles, Melissa Hinson. We have 3 albums, we tried to reduce the number of photos but were too good to delete. This is album II.
2024-11-10 Carolina Beach Music Awards @ Alabama Theater – Photos by Melissa
Photos of the Carolina Beach Music Awards taken by O.D. Mafia’s super photographer Ms Summer and Sunshine, Lollipops and Smiles, Melissa Hinson. We have 3 albums, we tried to reduce the number of photos but were too good to delete.
2024-11-07 Veteran’s Fundraiser @ Duck’s Cafe – 1 of 2 Albums- Photos by Robin
O.D. Mafia’s talented and enchanting Robin Cloud brought her many talents as well as her camera to Duck’s Cafe to capture the fun and add to the excitement of the evening as she worked diligently to at the Feed the Veterans Fun Raiser. Thanks Robin you are truly an asset to O.D. Mafia.
2024-11-07 Veterans Fund Raiser @ Duck’s Cafe – Photos by Dan
Photos taken at Duck’s Cafe of the Feed the Vets Fundraiser are posted. Thanks to Duck’s for the use of the Cafe, much thanks to Jeff James and the musicians that stopped by and beaucoup thanks to everyone that came out to support this great cause. Melissa Hinson was a great Emcee and kept the fun rolling. Check out the photos at the link below.
2024-10-29 Dan’s 75th Birthday Celebration @ Maxwell’s – Photos by Patsy Heatley
Additional photos of Dan Summitt’s (that’s me) Birthday Party held at Maxwell’s/Billy the Kids and attended by some of the greatest people in the world are posted. Thanks Patsy Heatley, these are some of the best.
202410-29 Dan Summitt’s 75th Birthday Party @ Maxwells – Photos by Pam
Photos taken by O.D. Mafia’s very own Photo Princess, Pam Gilbert at Maxwell’s of Dan Summitt’s 75th Birthday Celebration are posted
2024-10-29 Dan Summitt’s 75th Surprise B’day Celebration @ Maxwell’s – Photos by Melissa
To quote Jim Quick it was “the best day ever” as Debby Summitt (with a lot of help from her friends) surprised Dan Summitt with a surprise Birthday Pary at Billy the Kids/Maxwells. Melissa, Pam and Patsy took plenty of photos. These are the ones taken by the beautiful and talented Melissa Hinson. A big shout out to Jeff James who provided the entertainment with guest singers Donnie and Susan Trexler, Gary Lowder, Marlisa Kay Small, Deb Browning, Ray Scott, Cecellia Jeffers, Carl McAllister and Ray Collins. And a big thank you for all of the guests that attended. Love you guys.
2024-10-27 Fundraiser for Western North Carolina @ 3001 – Photos by Dan
Photos taken of the Rotary Club of Little River’s Western North Carolina Fundraiser hosted by 3001 are posted. Be sure to check out all both Melissa’s album as well as the two of Dan’s.
2024-10-22 Jeff James @ Maxwell’s – Photos by Dan
Photos of Jeff James bringing his country magic to Maxwell’s/Billy the Kids are posted and available for viewing and or downloading.
2024-10-27 Western North Carolina Fundraiser @ 3001
What a great way to spend an afternoon/evening. A group of our best musicians were gathered to raise money for the folks devastated by the floods and landslides resulting from Hurricane Helene. O.D. Mafia’s photographers were present to capture the fun, games and talent happening in the audience and on stage. This first album is filled with photos taken by Melissa Hinson.